Welcome to James Stewart's Personal Web Server

[Sunset from the Sandias]

Sunset from the Sandia mountains in Albuquerque New Mexico, USA

Much of this same stuff can also be found out on my ISP's webspace at http://mywebpages.comcast.net/jstewart228368.

Site Contents

Fun Ski Videos!

I got a micro 808 "key chain" #16 camera with the optional "D-lens" and mounted it to the top of my ski goggles. (It's old! I can't believe I still have it after all these years!) I've been getting some interesting videos with it ... Well if you are a downhill skier anyway. Even if you are not, this "first person view" of downhill skiing comes a little close to capturing what it is like to really be there! (Except with out the hard work and personal excitement). Anyway feel free to check out my Youtube channel here for all the action. These videos show what it is like to to ski at resorts in New Mexico and Southern Colorado, USA.

[ My goggles with a camera ]

About this Server: (Its been running since 2005!)

You are viewing this page from my seriously hacked so now more capable first generation (2004 vintage) Buffalo Linkstation (an early consumer NAS drive). This thing now runs full sized Debian Linux while using a maximum of only 17 watts of power. (less now with its current hard drive) This sure beats using short lived PC's with their overworked power supplies delivering over 50 amperes of current!

In early 2020 I managed to put a 1-TB hard drive in it by using a PATA to SATA adapter then going with a 2.5" (laptop) drive to make room for it. The trusty old Seagate ST30160815A was getting quite noisy and SMART data had been claiming impending doom for the last few years!

Can you believe the fan on this thing is still running! I packed the bushings with heavy silicon grease about 10 years ago and it has been purring quietly ever since.

[ Picture of this Server ]

Last modified on March, 2020 by James Stewart who considers it in the public domain