Perfect Powder on 12/13/2015

Still best early seasons conditions here in over a decade

Second run down the mountain (first from this chair), excited to catch some fresh power clear over on the somewhat remote North side of the area ("Raven" and "Camp Robber". I got a little fast and wreckless at the end of "Camp Robber" considering it was my first pass at it and things are a little unknown, but somehow I survived it anyway.
We had a fantastic day since I considered this the worst run down the mountain! "Wizard" was quite wind-blown, but still well covered.
The fat-burning "Road Runner" was pretty easy today due to the soft powder making the moguls mild and forgiving. It didn't wear me out quite as much as it usually does. Jonathan sure got a burst of energy here too.
Just another cruise down the popular "Gayway". Normally this is a silky-smooth cruiser, but not today! Lots of fluffy powder to carve around. Normally I find this run boring and just fly down it at 50-mph, but not today, it actually wore me out! Matt (the guy in blue I followed most of the way down) was doing real well considering it was late in the day and he should have been tired since this is only the beginning of his 2nd season skiing! I guess he was having too much fun to be tired.
The fat-burning "Road Runner" was pretty easy today due to the soft powder making the moguls mild and forgiving. It didn't wear me out quite as much as it usually does. Jonathan sure got a burst of energy here too.

Great Early Season Skiing at Santa Fe 11/29/2015

Best in Over a Decade

2nd run of the day. Just a lesure trek down some of the "blues" of the Quad lift. That said the "Ski Tracks" mobile app claimed my highest speed of the day here, but this is only because it misses a lot.
Starting out on "Sunrise" then "Sunset" Glades, then "Raven" then finally to Camp Robber. Never hit any rocks believe it or not!
Chasing this Ski invention / inventor down Wizard

Use this wing thing instead of poles to control your speed and lift you over bumps! Interesting idea.

I only did 3 videos on 11/29/2015, not because I didn't have any more footage, but I already have so much Santa Fe footage it's all starting to look alike. Besides, somehow I got very little footage of the two people I was skiing with ... Sorry.

Late Spring Skiing at Santa Fe 3/28/2015

Great Group Today! (We actually skied together a lot)

First runs in morning: "Midland" and a little test of "Thunderbird Glade".

Hey we all seem to be mostly skiing together, what a concept. Thanks people!

So they don't like the background music (from "Yello") to be played in Germany or should I say Sorry, kann nicht in Deutschland spielen.

Skiing "Sunrise" (not shown), "Sunset", "Lower Burro", then finally "Lobo" with a few detours by me to get rattled around on some frozen stuff.

Still more "Yello" music, so this video banned in Germany ... I'll stop this now.

Just a Cruise down "Parachute":

We actually attempted to do "North Burn" but it was still too frozen, so we ducked under the ropes and jumped on to Parachute instead. Jon had a little spin-out, but otherwise just a routine run down the mountain with the group.

Hard work and lots of rest breaks going down "Fall Line".

Still spring snow (very hard) conditions. We were waiting for the sun to loosen the snow a bit more and did this run prematurely, as it was pretty hard on Josh the snowboarder especially, but he toughed it out! An hour later and the snow was much nicer. It really took over 10 minutes for us to get down, but I edited out a lot of rest stops to keep the action going.

Tight trees & Fun Trails in Lower Part of "North Burn".

Somehow never went this way before as previously always ended up midway on "Fall Line" or "Roadrunner". Some tight trees, but fun trails with banked turns weaving through them.

It was a bright sunny day today. The problem is that the sunlight overloaded my camera making lots of the footage "washed out". Also I once again got confused and turned the camera on instead of off thus getting some long chair lift rides recorded then ran out of storage space to get the last 3 runs.

Spring Skiing, Eventually with "Easy Snow" at Santa Fe, New Mexico 3/15/15

(A little frozen in the morning, not bad, but great by afternoon)

"Parachute", "Free Fall":

We were mostly doing "crusers" in the morning while waiting for snow to loosen up a bit. "Parachute" was groomed to "Blue" conditions and had good snow. I had trouble keeping up with Steve, and the "Ski Tracks" iPhone App didn't seem to catch the speed on this run as it claimed we only went about 22 MPH while an earlier, much slower run it claimed 43 MPH, so I figure we probably hit 60 here, but can't prove it other than showing this video.

"Tequila Sunrise", "Chiles Glade":

After things loosened up, we hit the trees (not literally however). Santa Fe has great tree runs and lots of them as long as you look for them and don't pass them up. Here we started on "Tequila Sunrise", then adventured into "Chiles Glade", then still had some energy to do a few bumpy areas after that before hitting the bottom.

"North Burn", "Fall Line", "Road Runner", Dr. Rich:

Here we started with "North Burn" since it had great coverage today, then traversed to "Fall Line" and "Road Runner", and somehow had left over strength to finish off with "Dr Rich". The snow was soft and "easy", which is probably why we made it with so few stops.

Not the Greatest Coverage Yet at Santa Fe, New Mexico 1/10/15

(And I got confused using my Camera, but had fun anyway!)

"North Burn", "Fall Line", "Road Runner" and "Bozo":

So I started out on the edge of North Burn but then kept weaving in and out between Fall Line and Road Runner, then finally dumping on to Bozo before hitting the green stuff. I thought I was taking my time on this run due to rocks, but the footage still ended up looking fairly exciting (for me) so here it is. Time stamp on video is wrong.

I don't bother posting footage of high speed groomers very often, so here is something a little different. Time stamp on video is wrong.
Jump up and in at the end of Columbine and get lots of tree action as opposed to that boring cruiser run. Time stamp on video is wrong.
I would have gotten a lot more footage on this day as we did some fun stuff, but somehow I got confused and seemed to have my camera on when I thought it was off and vice versa, so unless you want to see lots of footage of us riding chair lifts and sitting around drinking Baileys and Hot Coco, this is about all you get. Last years footage was probably better anyway, maybe get some good stuff next trip!

Near Perfect Snow at Santa Fe, New Mexico 3/16/14

Tough time down "Wizard":

The first run of the day had a slight crustiness to the snow. Not bad, but enough to make our choice of "Wizard" as a "warm up" run not so good as it wore us out so bad we couldn't do the rest of it in any way I want to show in a video (I deleted it!). It was also cold and windy, but within an hour or so everything turned super nice!

A quick run down Thunderbird, then Thunderbird Glade, then jogged over to Lower Thunderbird before heading for a quick break at the lounge.

Maybe the fact we promised ourselves micro-brewed beers at the bottom of this run gave us just a little more motivation!

"Sunrise" is a new glade area on top of the mountain. With a little jog you can then get into "Sunset". I did it a little wrong and got into some strange areas but it all came out okay.
"Banzai Pipeline" is a nice detour off of "Molly Hogan" that lies in a little "half pipe" like canyon. Earlier today, I found a rock sticking out of the middle of it but it seems gone now!
"Road Runner" is normally a grueling long bump run, but was slightly easier then normal today. That said I was too worn out to do it well and kept detouring off to "Fall Line" that was slightly easier still.
After getting beat up skiing "Road Runner" just above this run, "Bozo" will try to make a Bozo out of you with its double fall line slope.
After Racing down "Parachute", managed to squeeze in "Dr.Rich", a nice bump run in as the last run before they closed the backside (top) running lifts.
Traditionally making "Desafio" the Last Run of the day. Don't know where I found the Energy (It ran out half way down however). Anyway great finsh to a great day sking.

Last modified on March 31, 2015 by James Stewart who considers it in the public domain

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