My First Time to Monarch Colorado: March 30-31, 2013

First run ever down this mountain. In the morning it is hard frozen "popcorn" snow. Or as one describe in the video "like skiing on gravel" No fun to ski on really, but the scenery was sure nice. Stayed with the rest of the gang for the first few runs until the snow warmed up a little. Then it was wonderful except my camera couldn't deal with the bright sunshine so many later videos did not turn out.
Second run down the mountain. Still pretty frozen, so still just doing casual runs down the mountain as well as learning how to navigate it a little.
Sheer-Rock-O: By noon this run was sweet! Gives quite a workout however.
Mirage: I did the side with the most bumps. Great run, later in the day my camera didn't do well with the bright sun shine so later videos didn't come out so well as all the snow as washed out without texture showing.
Upper Noname: Also a pretty good run. Too bad my camera's battery died because the music in the video "Ventures' Pipeline" would have been perfect for an unmarked run we found through some trees that really was a "Pipeline" and was about my favorite run on the mountain that day.

Other things I kept doing wrong was turning the camera on when I meant it to be off and vice versa. Since I've been putting the thing in my pocket during chair rides in attempt to keep the battery at optimum temperature, I have lots of videos of the inside of my pocket and muffled conversation on the chair lift. The other thing that happened is that the I neglected to zip up my pocket during a run down "Chistmas Tree" (A great run that day), and my solar/USB Battery pack flew out of my pocket, never to be seen again (it didn't help that it was snow-white!). So Day 2's video session was shortened. I think next year a larger, always connected battery pack is in this camera's future. I have enough SDHC card space to simply let the camera run constantly all day, which might solve a lot of problems.

Last modified on March 13, 2013 by James Stewart who considers it in the public domain

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