Eleven of us Invade Angel Fire, New Mexico, USA on January 23, 2016

Skiing "Hully Gully" at Angel Fire, New Mexico, USA.

This was the first run down the mountain. My GPS claimed I hit 51 MPH. Could be true. Too bad it missed a few runs where I actually certainly went faster! Tried to have a few runs where we all (Eleven of us) could ski together, but I need to practice by hurding cats first.

Skiing "Hells Bells" at Angel Fire, New Mexico, USA

We went over here hoping the Angels Plunge would be open, but alas, it wasn't. Instead we found this run having the nicest carved out moguls I ever remember skiing on "Hells Bells". A nice treat for run that is usually a favorite on this mountain anyway.

Skiing "Eagle Glade" at Angel Fire, New Mexico, USA

This run is a great introduction to glade skiing for more beginner level skiers. Granted it has trees, but they are widely spaced, granted it has bumps, but they are very mellow and forgiving, only one short part at the end is very steep, but it is sure nice in here!

Skiing "Shanes Glade" at Angel Fire, New Mexico, USA

Another Favorite on this mountain. I did this one many times today, this time chased Eduardo through it.

Skiing "Nice Day" and "Nose Dive" at Angel Fire, New Mexico, USA

This run, because it faces the right direction (north) usually has good snow and today was no exception. The fact that it is a little hard to get to helps too. It is where the lift used to be, but now is a little uphill to get here. I fell (actually took a nose dive) on "Nose Dive", and about lost my camera as it flew off my goggles, but fortunately not off the USB cable to my battery pack.

Skiing "Hari Kari" at Angel Fire, New Mexico, USA

Good conditions on this run is rare. Today they should have taken down all the caution signs as they didn't seem to be needed. I don't know how Steve's pole survived the mishap I had with him, but it did.

Skiing "Hells Bells" at Angel Fire, New Mexico, USA

So after lunch, I managed to convince others in our group to give this run a try. I mostly followed (chased?) Rick down the mountain however.

Season's Close at Angel Fire, New Mexico, USA on March 22, 2015

Skiing "Eagle Glade" With new Friends at Angel Fire New Mexico, USA

Spring snow just loosening up (maybe too loose in areas). Just following Lilia through her choice of runs.

Skiing "Hully Gully" in a bit of a hurry at Angel Fire New Mexico, USA

So after a little collision, we discussed how they were taking down the free Dos Equis bear display. Perhaps we need to hurry and get the last of the free bear!

Skiing "Minder Binder" at Angel Fire, New Mexico, USA

So the snow finally loosened up, so time to do the steep bump runs here. Lots of fun and good coverage considering the warm sunny days.

Skiing "Nice Day" at Angel Fire New Mexico, USA

I don't remember this run being as fun back when the old lift was just overhead. Maybe now that it gets less traffic is helping. Anyway I think this thing has made it into my personal top 5 favorite runs on this mountain.

Skiing "Baa Da Boom" at Angel Fire, New Mexico, USA

I'll have to admit this probably looks more impressive than it is. Often the videos don't show much difference between the ungroomed "blues" and the bumpy steep blacks. This is just a "blue" so I could do it a faster than say "Minder Binder" or "Nice Day".

Skiing "Hells Bells" at Angel Fire New Mexico, USA

Of course we HAVE to do "Hells Bell" (too bad "Angels Plunge" next to it is closed for the season). It is a little easier than usual but still lots of fun.

Skiing "Lucky 7" at Angel Fire New Mexico, USA

So this was the last run on the last day of the season. The run had deteriorated quite lot from this morning, yet we still found some fun skiing on it. Nice finish.

Returned to Angel Fire, New Mexico, USA on January 24, 2015

Skiing "Hells Bells" (I Fell) at Angel Fire New Mexico, USA

Fresh, but not "super Light" powder made for a tiring (but still fun) day of skiing, as we "poke" down runs we normally "fly" down. Yea, the fact I fell on the first turn is just an example of the tough time we were having that day

Skiing "Nice Day" at Angel Fire New Mexico, USA

This is where the old (and very crouded) lift used to be. It's absence left this run that is a little hard to get to at its very top. Therefore I made some fresh tracks on its pretty wind-blown snow. Only a few turns before I got into the more popular terrain. This turned out to be one of the better "blacks" of the day as most had little or no base under them which made them a bit tricky to ski.

Skiing Angels Plunge at Angel Fire, New Mexico, USA

So normally this is my favorite run on the mountain when it is open and has good coverage, but today it really kicked my butt. I guess I could make excuses like I don't have the right equipment (powder skis or a snowboard), or perhaps I'm just getting too old, but I think I'll use "I just need to ski more to keep in shape!"

Yea I know, I went a little too far off the deep end with the choice of background music. I just like to challenge YouTube to try to identify it!

Skiing Glory Hole at Angel Fire, New Mexico, USA

This turned out to be a good run. Probably the best snow on the mountain unless you like getting tangled up in the really deep stuff we were running into at other places today like "Maxwell's Grant". Compared to other stuff we were doing around this time that day, this run was acutally relaxing!

Skiing backside cruisers at Angel Fire New Mexico, USA
("Highway" to "Hallelulah" to "Heck No" to lower "Fat City")

Don't be fooled by all my other Angel Fire Videos. This place is a mecca (in the Rocky Mountain western USA that is) for mild silky-smooth "green" and "blue" runs. A great place to learn to ski. So we did this run with some others in our group (anyone trying to keep us all together should first practice hearding cats) that live for this stuff. A lot more is on the larger "front side" of the mountain.

So since I now have a couple of years on using this camera. I've since been running it on an external battery pack and a heavy-enough USB cable to it. A previous cable, though nice and thin, did not provide enough current at times to keep the camera going to override the camera's built in battery that doesn't work very well when blasted with cold winter air. Oh and I gave up on using the time stamp feature on this camera as it seems that I always end up with it wrong.

Nice Day Skiing at Angel Fire, New Mexico, USA on March 2, 2013

Shane's Glade: Although harder than "Eagle Glade", this is still a fairly easy tree run, much recommended for Intermediate "Groomer" skiers looking for something a little different. It's kind of pretty in here too. You can ignore the fact we started out hopping down the top part of "El Sol" then cut across "Highway" to get to "Joe's Road" that finally will get you to the glade.
Hell's Bells: Back when there was a lift over here, this was a very popular bump run. Now days, since it is kind of a pain to get to, you can expect some well preserved snow in this little valley.
This was where the old lift used to be! I have bad memories of 45-minute lift lines on this inadequate chair. Things are so much better now! The only problem is that this run is now also a real pain to get to from the new lift, but like "Hell's Bells" that means well preserved snow for those willing to work for it. This was probably the best run on the mountain that day.
A good little Black Diamond. From it you can shoot over and catch the bottom 1/3rd of "Nice Day" too as an extra bonus.
The most challenging run we did that day as our favorite "Angel's Plunge" was closed as so were a few other nice blacks. That said conditions on this run were actually better then usual so we had lots of fun with it.

This was the "maiden voyage" for this amazing little camera. I accidentally left the USB cable to my battery pack (actually a battery operated USB Hub, with a solar cell to boot), which meant that at best this camera only has enough battery power for about 40 minutes of video. So the battery did go out about two thirds of the way through the day. Also somehow some footage simply didn't get recorded. It seems that when the thing is on top my goggles, I can't see the LED status lights to see what mode things are in, and apparently I am a bad guesser on it so far. Finally please ignore the fact I had the time-stamp on the video exactly one year off.

Last modified on March, 2015 by James Stewart who considers it in the public domain

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